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The Strategic Implications for Australia of Emerging Space Trends – Report

Jun 13, 2024


This report outlines the delivery of Activity under the Department of Defence’s Strategic Policy Grants Programme by the Space Industry Association of Australia. The purpose of the Grant Agreement was to support the Space Industry Association of Australia to conduct Activity to investigate ‘the strategic implications for Australia of emerging space trends’.

As part of the Grant Agreement SIAA undertook a range of activities, including:

1. Public polling on space issues
2. Minimum 2x op-eds or blog posts via SIAA regular media engagement
3. Public release of polling data at the SIAA Southern Space Conference
4. 1 x Publicly accessible video production highlighting emerging space trends and their
importance for Australia
5. 1 x Workshop conducted with Australia Space Industry, academia and relevant
stakeholders to align with the Australian Space Forum
6. Workshop with Australian Space Industry: in development for 5 December 2023 in
Sydney to align with Australian Space Forum. Will also include representatives from
UK Space Agency and industry.
7. 1 x Publicly accessible final report on findings of project


Read the full report here 

The Space Industry of Australia (SIAA)

The Space Industry of Australia is the national peak body for the space industry in Australia,
representing more than 600 members. Formed in 1992, SIAA hosted the 2017 International Astronautical
Congress in Adelaide which led to the establishment of the Australian Space Agency in 2018. SIAA and
its member companies work closely with Australian governments, international partners, academia, and
industry to advance Australia’s space industry and economy.